Perry, FL

Inheritance & Exclusion

Feb 20, 2022    Ben Kimmell

In this text, the apostle Paul uses the Old Testament Law to compel the Galatian believers to exclude the Judaizing agitators from the church. Paul has been laying a foundation for judgment against the Judaizers. And his judgment is severe: Cast out the agitators. Defend the truth and the integrity of the gospel. Even if it means that you have to explicitly remove these unrepentant gospel corrupters from the church. In this message, therefore, Pastor Ben aims to help us to see that the gospel is not just whatever we want it to be. We do not get to define the terms of kingdom inclusion. As in chapter 2, what we do, how we act, the choices we make in terms of toleration of sin in the church betrays what we actually think of the gospel itself. The purpose of this message, then, is to urge the church to wisdom, clarity, and conviction when it comes to defending the gospel both in theory and in practice.