Perry, FL

No Longer Slaves

Feb 6, 2022    Ben Kimmell

In Gal. 4.1-7, the Apostle Paul continues to explain the difference between the old covenant Law of Moses and the supremacy of new covenant Messiah faith. And he warns the Galatian believers that turning to the Law, after receiving the gospel, is like Israel going back to Egypt after being freed from its slavery. It might help you avoid some difficult situations in the short term, but it does so at the cost of your freedom in Christ. It makes no sense. And to go back to slavery would be fatal. In this message, Pastor Ben challenges us to put away our enslaving idols and to ask ourselves if we are truly living in the freedom of Christ’s gospel. Here we will be confronted all over again with the wonder of God’s saving plan as we marvel, together, at who Jesus is. And for those who are living in slavery, we pray God will use this message to make you sons and daughters of God through Christ.