Perry, FL

Mission, Faith & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Our Mission

The mission of Calvary Baptist Church is to shine the light of Christ into the spiritually darkened world.

Our Faith

The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith.  The church subscribes to the doctrinal state of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000.  We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ and personally commit to sharing the good news of salvation with lost mankind.  As evidences of our faith, we affirm baptism and the Lord's Supper as ordinances of the church.

Our Vision

Our vision at Calvary Baptist Church is to be a community of faith that lives, loves, and labors together for the glory of God.
  • We are committed to reaching those who do not yet know Christ in a personal way with the life-giving message of the Good News in Christ.  
  • We long to build flourishing, Christ-centered families in Perry, Florida, that experience the fullness and wonder of honoring God in every facet of life. 
  • We yearn to magnify, celebrate, and adore Christ our Savior through the beauty of passionate and authentic worship.  
  • We desire to experience the joys of sharing our lives with each other through fellowship and by cultivating Christ-centered relationships within God's family.  
  • We want to build up the hearts and minds of every member with the riches of Christian truth through biblical preaching and teaching under the authority and lordship of Jesus Christ.  
  • We believe that every person in our church family is uniquely gifted, and we want to help cultivate and deploy those gifts in grateful service to Christ as we reach out to our neighbors in Perry, Florida, and across the world with the power and majesty of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In every way we want to encourage and equip each person to live Christ out loud by loving God and loving each other.