Perry, FL

Remove the Wicked Man

Jan 29, 2023    Ben Kimmell

From chapter 4 and into chapter 5, Paul shifts his attention from divisions in the church to depravity in the church. In chapter 5, Paul confronts the Corinthian church. He scolds the church for its toleration, and even celebration, of flagrant sin. 1 Corinthians 5 is a famous chapter dealing with the delicate issue of church discipline. But in this message, Pastor Ben addresses this issue head-on. He challenges us to real, authentic, holiness. And he challenges the church compassionately, but also courageously, confront sin within the fellowship. We don’t cover it up. We don’t ignore it, just hoping it will go away. We confront it with confidence knowing that Jesus is with us, and His power will be demonstrated through our obedience in calling sinners to repent.