Tristan Edens
Office: (850) 223-1543 x106
Tristan has filled a much-needed ministry position here at Calvary. He received his call to ministry from the Lord at church camp when he was 18. Since then, he has served as both a church intern and a part-time student director. Tristan has a passion for students, and he believes the Lord can and will work in mighty ways in the lives of students. In 2018, Tristan became licensed to preach, and in 2022 he became ordained. Tristan graduated from North Greenville University in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry. His free time is usually spent fishing or rock climbing, with the occasional card game or video game. Tristan says that the most important thing to him in life is being a faithful believer in Jesus who is committed and devoted to following the Lord.