Calvary & Cornerstone - SWO21

Calvary & Cornerstone - SWO21
During the week of June 7-12, Calvary Baptist and Cornerstone Community Churches took 34 students and 6 chaperones to summer camp at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters in Andrews, NC. Snowbird features bold, expositional teaching, high-adventure recreation, and gospel-centered discipleship. Their dedicated staff of over 100 college students works intentionally to build relationships with students throughout the week and point them to a life-saving and world-changing relationship with Christ. With powerful worship and compelling instructions from God's Word, Calvary and Cornerstone students were confronted throughout the week with the doctrine and attributes of God.

Calvary & Cornerstone Students floating down the Hiawassee River.
"We learned that God is love, God is good, God is just, God is faithful, among many other fundamental biblical truths," said Pastor Ben Kimmell.

Multiple students cheering on a dance competition during Snowbird's famous "Jump in the House".
"Calvary and Cornerstone," he added, "have developed a unique partnership for children's and student ministries. In a context where churches often compete rather than cooperate, Calvary and Cornerstone are forging a path to show what's possible when churches put kingdom priorities ahead of their own interests. We'll be restarting our United Youth gatherings in the fall. Whereas last year, COVID limited us to meeting every other week, we plan to meet each week at Cornerstone facilities at the Taylor County Middle School. We invite all area churches to join us as we seek to make disciples of Taylor County students for the glory of King Jesus."

Calvary Student taking notes while listening to a teaching from Brody Holloway, SWO Lead Pastor.
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